Welcome to the first full week of October! It is still warm here during the day but the nights are dropping into the high forties. The heat isn’t bad when it cools down so fast! I’m ready to focus on Fall!

Five of Pentacles - Lo Scarabeo - FocusI offer a weekly three-card draw to clients where I do a reading about what to focus on for the ensuing week. This is similar to what I did last month for the September Tarot Challenge. While the draws I do for my clients are focused on them, this weekly draw on my blog will be a more general focus for everyone, including myself.

Change Your Focus

First up is the Five of Pentacles. This card is about being “out in the cold”. The feeling for this card today is of not being sure, or being confused about what path to take. The figure in this card is lost in the snow and stumbled upon five pentacles in the snow and the pink rose of love and understanding. The problem is they are more focused on their own problems and don’t see what is before them.

The message with this card is to look around or within when you are feeling lost. Change your focus. You have the answer and help is available, you just have to ask for it.

Focus on What You Have

Nine of Cups - Lo Scarabeo - focusThe next card is one I’ve been personally getting quite a bit lately. The Nine of Cups is about enjoying what you have, and you have a lot! But there is a subtext to this card. The bees indicate industry; this isn’t wealth that was inherited or won, it was worked for. This is also a temporary state. The figure has sat down and enjoys himself, even sharing with us, but that stone bench is hard and he isn’t going to remain there long.

Something I noticed when proofreading this post: the cups are filled up with gold by lotuses. The lotus is all about rebirth and regeneration and in this card represents how spending some time with what we love can recharge our creative energy.

If we connect the first card with this one we are being guided to look at what we have and take some time to enjoy it. This might be material goods, family and friends, or intellectual pursuits. Whatever this means for you, focus on what is important to you and spend some time with it this week.

Focus on Boundaries

Five of Wands - Lo Scarabeo - FocusThe final card is the Five of Wands. If you notice, we have two fives, one on each side of a nine. Fives represent conflict and instability. And I’m feeling this might be a rough week for some of us. The Five of Wands is about discord, misunderstanding, or even arguments. Not a wonderful card to see, but sometimes we just need to have our problems revealed in order to clear the air.

And remember: other people have boundaries that you need to respect as well! If you want your boundaries respected, focus on finding out what boundaries those around you have and give them space.

These are all temporary cards, which means whatever discord that may arise will quickly pass. Remember how I told you to spend some quality time with something you love? That may cause some problems with those around you. But boundaries are important. Focus on those boundaries by explaining to those affected or arranging your time so that you can spend some time on what you love. You need this!

Get a head start on your week with a Tarot reading! Schedule or email me today!

What Clients are Saying about Sophrosyne Tarot

I was advised to ask open-ended questions instead of predictive questions which I thought was helpful because I never would have known if it weren’t for the reader. The reader provided the reading along with some advice too so the entire reading was very thorough and explained in an understandable manner.

Everything said was accurate and helpful for me to identify my flaws in order to grow as a person. I have learned a lot about tarot and what it does to help me.

CD, Malaysia



  1. Karen

    The topics of focus and boundaries are helpful – thank you!

  2. Danwil Reyes

    This is something different that I haven’t explored yet.

  3. Patricia Selmo

    Love this! And so accurate for the coming week.

  4. Roy A Ackerman, PhD EA

    I am totally lost when it comes to Tarot. I listen but I don’t quite fathom the process of prognostication.

    • Diane

      I’m on the fence about prognostication as well. Right now I’m running a private experiment to see how I do. What I do as a Tarot consultant is help people get to the core of the problems they are facing, help them understand their own motives, and look for solutions. The images in the Tarot cards are a way to connect to the subconscious mind where they already know what they need to do or what the problem is.


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