Eight of Cups - Lightseer Tarot - problems

What problems are appearing for us next week?  How can we overcome those problems? An interesting spread, so let’s dive in.

Walking Away From Problems

The Eight of Cups suggests taking a good look at what you’re working on and what you are doing. Is it working for you? Are these projects or problems really worth your attention right now? If they are really important, look for what is missing to complete the project, because without it you aren’t going to finish.

Stepping away from problems or a project that is dragging on might open up new ideas for you. When your sights aren’t focused narrowly, you can look around find other options.

Old Problems, New Ideas

Ace of Pentacles - Light Seers Tarot - problems

When I pulled the Ace of Pentacles I immediately got the image of running hands through the sand and finding an old gold doubloon. Sometimes we get so focused on one issue that we miss the ideas and inspiration that are literally at our feet, covered in a few inches of sand.

Answers to the problems that will crop up this week won’t be far away. Talk to those around you and just look around you. The solutions are waiting for you to settle down, look around, and be still.

I’ve been a web programmer for 18 years now and I find that when I’m struggling with some code I just need to step away. I stop thinking about it, do something completely unrelated and within hours the solution has worked itself out in my brain without further conscious effort on my part. Stepping away from the problems gives my brain space to work.

A Win Won’t Solve Your Problems

Five of Swords - Light Seers Tarot - problemsWhen solutions to your problems appear, make sure they are solutions you can live with. The Five of Swords is about conflict and winning, but at a cost that you won’t like. You’ll win, for sure, but is it worth alienating others for your win? Your solutions may create problems for others, so be willing to modify your ideas. Aim for collaboration with all concerned parties.

Overall Reading

This feels like a busy week, with problems that are either going to be unresolved, or that will have solutions that may cause more problems in the future. One suit missing from this spread is the suit of Wands. Wands are about communication and I see a definite lack of communication in this spread. This isn’t a time to make unilateral decisions!

On the plus side, the reading does suggest you’ll find solutions to some issues, perhaps some you’ve been struggling with for a while. Step back, look around, and talk to others invested in those problems. The solutions will literally be right there.

Get a head start on your week with a Tarot reading! Schedule or email me today!

What Clients are Saying about Sophrosyne Tarot

I was advised to ask open-ended questions instead of predictive questions which I thought was helpful because I never would have known if it weren’t for the reader. The reader provided the reading along with some advice too so the entire reading was very thorough and explained in an understandable manner.

Everything said was accurate and helpful for me to identify my flaws in order to grow as a person. I have learned a lot about tarot and what it does to help me.

CD, Malaysia



  1. debra

    I thing we are traveling on the same journey, that is old endings and figuring out the new beginnings. I am going to look your website over . . . I feel a pull that there may be some opportunity for both of us. Just being open and curious!

    • Diane

      Great! Let me know what you’re thinking!

    • Cheryl

      I feel as if your reading is right on spot for me. I feel as if it’s going to be a busy week.

  2. Julie

    This is very interesting about your read for the week ahead. Thanks for sharing your talents with us!


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